✨ Kingston ✨

The boy who brought me light. The boy who brought me life. The boy who made me a mother.
      I was a about 9 months into my sobriety when I started dating Nick. Met at an AA meeting. He rode a Harley, had tattoos and had a smile that gave me butterflies. "Don't date for your first year sober" I was told this over and over. I didn't care. I got on the back of his motorcycle and hung on for dear life. About 3 months into our relationship I found out I was pregnant. I didn't grasp the concept that there was a little human that would be joining us. I was unprepared. I had never changed a diaper before. I was terrified.
      April 24th 2017 I went to my doctor's appointment. Two weeks overdue and miserable. She accidentally broke my water and I was admitted upstairs. 18 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing, Kingston was here. I remember my heart bursting and my world changed. April 25th 2017 I felt true unconditional love for the first time. Postpartum was hard. I breastfed for 11 months and it drained me. I worked full time and I was exhausted. New motherhood is shown to be this magical time, but I struggled. I didn't ask for help when I needed it. I took on too much. But, I created a perfect little boy. A momma's boy.
        A meticulous little child he is, he doesn't like to get messy, he loves music, he will find a single crumb on the ground and inspect it for 5 minutes. He loves to give kisses, he loves grapes more than anything in life, and he loves pretending to cook. He hates blankets over his feet or legs, he will scream if you cover him with a one. He has to get eye level with anything he likes to really get a good look at it, whether hes lining up his cars and he has to bend down to make sure they're straight, or seeing his friends cool shoes and having to lay on the ground to see them. If you play nursery rhymes for him he'll look at you like you're crazy, but if you put Elvis on he'll dance for days. I can't wear long sleeves around him because he needs to hug my arms at all times, he needs to feel my skin. I love that about him. I know he's my child because he will pull off socks as soon as you put them on him. Barefoot and free is his favorite thing. When he looks at me he really looks into my eyes, he looks into my soul. He is pure and his innocence opens my eyes. My honey. My baby. My love.


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